Friday, November 9, 2007

The Good Day

Still not talking about 2.3 guys, but that post is coming. Many a great warrior has tripped over his own two feet because he was looking too far down the road (LOL RP), so I'm keeping my focus severely concentrated on finishing season 2 strong.

I've been saying for a couple weeks that we're one good day away from gladiator range, and it looks like that day was today. With a 13-5 push this week, we passed current gladiator range (2165) into 2,225, a new record for Silver Hand. Expecting a BG-wide push for glad range in the last week before season's end, we're giving ourselves a buffer, and will be playing one more day for good measure to push to 2,300 before calling it quits for the season. Double DPS will be fighting uphill once 2.3 goes live, so to all you plucky 2dps teams out there: GET YOUR GAMES IN BEFORE TUESDAY!

On the other side of the coin, our 3v3 will be getting a huge buff in both DPS (grats AR/prep) and survivability (Natural Perfection scales very well to the bigger arenas). We expect to play the majority of our 3v3 push next week, and camping at 2,183 right now. With current glad range of 3v3 being 2,280, it would take a significant stroke of good fortune to push Double Gladiator, but 3v3 is a lot more fun right now than 2v2, so 3's will be a great time to relax heading into season 3.

The only noteworthy match this week was another victory over my old idol Gumbot, this time in 3v3. He's obviously exploring new class combos, as his 3dps team, with two physical DPSers (our theorycrafted bane), came at our druid like a house of fire. Trading their rogue for our druid proved to be the right move, as Hunter/Warlock just can't compete in Lordaeron vs. Rogue/Warlock. Still it was a very fun match, and after reading Gum's dissertation on why Double Warlock is the best 2dps 2v2 matrix, I'm awaiting with rapt attention his thoughts on Rogue/Hunter/Warlock once this experiment concludes.

We sold points on our 5v5. Again. Yay. 2345 inc. Valk's shaman is working on 67 and almost capped for honor (65k wonder how he did that...), so Silver Hand might have a pro arena shaman to call their own by December.

I know this one was pretty self indulgent, but if you want to hear people rant about 2.3, there are much better places than this for theorycrafting. I'll pump out a 2.3 Plans and Predictions post early next week.

*Shameless Plug* If you're interested in raiding Zul'Aman with the APV, please post your availability in the appropriate thread on the Unos General forums.


Anonymous said...

Every time you use the word "matrix," I'm going to kill a baby.

gcabrera3 said...

What if he used the word "comp," but he used it over, and over, and over?